Email Lists

We know we need great communication to be successful, and email lists are a great tool for projects such as this; please sign up for the email lists that interest you.

All (and email list names begin with the prefix "march-". All the lists work the same and have the same user interfaces, only the names are different, so this "meta-data" will only be provided once, and you can find it here. The following are the lists that are available:

Email List Overview for All Lists

From here you can get the following information about our email lists:

What are TodaysMarch email lists?

An email list - sometimes just "e-list" - is a collection of e-mail addresses managed by TodaysMarch under a specific list-name, such as march-org. When a user sends an email to the list-address, the message is forwarded to all list members, so everyone receives the same email message. Unless moderated for some reason, all list members can send to the list, and all list members receive all emails sent to that list. There are delivery options, such as to receive emails immediately or in so-called "digest-mode" in which list emails are packaged together and sent as one rather than many.

For most lists, the "anonymous" feature is selected wherein senders email addresses are removed, so, those who wish to reply to a message will be replying to the whole list, and everyone benefits from the interaction. In this way, the whole community is served.

Is my anonymity protected?

YES. As many people are sensitive about privacy, our email lists are configured to safeguard anonymity by removing your personal email address from posts that you send to the email list. You can certainly share anything you like about yourself on-list, but the list itself will not "out you" - that is something you can do for yourself as you may wish but the list itself won't share the email address from which you posted, only whatever content you yourself intentionally provide.

What basic guidelines govern the use of TodaysMarch e-lists?

The TodaysMarch e-lists are no-flame, no-personal-attacks email lists - you can attack ideas, but not people. If there's any conflict, please keep your more heated comments focused on ideas and never on people, on these lists or otherwise. Naturally, people will eventually become a focus of someone's ire, so please separate out the actions of said person and their ideas, and refrain from personal vitriolic insults - this helps keep us all focused on what's important (social activism!) and avoid unpleasantries.

Further, to help everyone be able to read all posts, everyone is requested to please only send posts to the list in "plain text".

... This means that you should turn off all "encoding". Please do not use mime, or html encoding.

Please note:

"ON-TOPIC" posts are anything supporting the specific subject-focus of the particular e-list in question. While off-topic posting happens, and should be gently tolerated, posting which is clearly antithetical to TodaysMarch goals may get you removed from the list. That isn't to say concerns over TodaysMarch goals aren't on-topic, they are, so long as your posting isn't openly hostile to the overall goals.

When are posts sent?

There are two possibilities. There's a so-called "live list" - all messages are sent to everyone immediately. The delay is only as long as the mail queue and network latency and should not be long. We also offer a 'Digest mode' in which a collection of messages is sent as a single email to those who request it, usually on a daily basis (presuming anything to send) or when the total number of messages reaches some pre-set size.

Subscribing and Un-Subscribing to "Live" E-lists:

In each example below: substitute <list-name> with the name of the email list, without the angle brackets!

To subscribe, send an email to the list management software with the subject as just "subscribe" (without quotes). The to-address is of the form:


To unsubscribe, send an email to the list management software with the subject as just "unsubscribe" (without quotes). The to-address is of the form:


OR, instead of sending an email, use the web interface. The URL is of the form:<list-name>


The posting address is simply: <list-name> where <list-name> is replaced with the name of the email list, without the angle brackets!

Connecting directly to the email list management system:

To use the web interface, the URL is of the form:<list-name>

E-list Trouble:

If you have any troubles, please contact the list administrator: Richard <at>

How do I change my email-address?

Unsubscribe and resubscribe! To unsubscribe, simply follow the procedure to subscribe but substitute 'unsubscribe' for the word 'subscribe'!

List: march-org

The purpose of this list is general discussion of TodaysMarch issues.

To subscribe send an email to: Include as the subject the word subscribe.

To unsubscribe, send an email to: Include as the subject the word unsubscribe.

To post, send your email to:

OR, instead of sending an email, use the web interface:

List: march-dev

The purpose of this list is for developers to discuss developmental issues.

To subscribe send an email to: Include as the subject the word subscribe.

To unsubscribe, send an email to: Include as the subject the word unsubscribe.

To post, send your email to:

OR, instead of sending an email, use the web interface: